Does Great Value = Investment Property?
More and more this time of year you see an advertisement for a property with 'Great Investment' prominently displayed. But is it? If it's...

Central Illinois: 4 Reasons to List NOW!
It's common for those selling their homes to want to take the holiday's off. Truth is, this mindset may cost you $$$. Let me...

5 Questions to Ask Your Real Estate Agent Before You Commit
I was recently reading a blog article regarding coaching young athletes and what questions parents should be asking before they commit...

2017 Summer Upgrades....Get Your $ Back!
Summer may not officially be here just yet, but if you’re like me, you’ve been working on home projects for several weeks now. Trying to...

Millionaires to BloNo Millennials: BUY A HOME!
Generally speaking, it is usually a wise decision to take the wealth-building advice of well-respected multi-millionaires and billionaires.